PAD Newsletter: Winter 2016

Winter 2016 | Volume 8, Issue 1
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The Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial from across the Potomac - Photo

by Jennifer K. Favorite

Kirk Savage, Ph.D. is Professor of Art of the United States at the University of Pittsburgh, and is the author of several important works on monuments and memorials in the United States that shed light on the various ways national history and identity can be simultaneously construed and constructed through public sculpture and space. For his scholarship and his contributions to the field, Public Art Dialogue has named Dr. Savage the recipient of the 2016 PAD award for achievement in public art, to be given during the upcoming CAA conference in Washington, D.C. To mark the occasion PAD asked Dr. Savage to offer his thoughts on contemporary questions of public art and memorials in the nation’s capital.

PUBLIC ART TO SEE IN WASHINGTON D.C. By Marisa Lerer Washington D.C. is known for its major national monuments along the Mall, from Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial to Robert Mills’s and Thomas Casey’s 555-foot marble Washington Monument (1888). Visitors from around the world descend upon the Mall to experience expressions of the official visual culture of U.S. national identity.