PAD Incorporation

by Sharon Erwin Public Art Dialogue (PAD) filed an Articles of Incorporation as a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation; following which legal notices will be published as required under Pennsylvania law. Once PAD is incorporated, it will be filing for an exemption from taxation with the Internal Revenue Service. That process may take up to 6 months or more to complete. In addition to solidifying PAD's identity, incorporation has several benefits. Among others, as a tax exempt nonprofit, PAD will be able to pursue new funding opportunities through grant applications to foundations and other organizations. PAD will also be able to receive public and private donations. Incorporation also provides protection from personal liability for Board members and PAD officers and members. Finally, PAD will continue to exist beyond the lifetime of the founders and the current members. Updates on these exciting milestones for PAD will be published in future issues of the Newsletter.
Fall 2012 | Vol 4, Issue 2
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